Oindrila Ghosal

Your artworks are always very close to my heart, not only for their photographic abstraction but also for the deep philosophy behind them. It gives me immense joy to explore the hidden layers and multiple messages embedded in your photographs. Sometimes I wonder whether the Divine Grace serves the purpose of unveiling the underlying patterns of the higher connections through your lenses.

Your philosophical commitment towards the metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, axiology, and methodology across the paradigms of positivism, post positivism, critical theory and constructivism helped you immensely to dive deep well beyond the reality captured through any physical lens. When you garnish your photographs with your intellect, imagination, and digital painting, they become a perfect symphony for the viewers and an experience in itself to appreciate the art.

On that regard, I proudly recall your Art Exhibition when a large number of the audiences including some of the great painters, were trying to figure out whether your artworks are paintings or photographs. When I helped them in interpreting the thoughts behind your creations, they were so mesmerized that they can’t stop sharing their eagerness to procure your artworks. That clearly shows your contribution towards taking art to the masses and thereby developing en masse spirituality through the fusion of your photography and digital painting.